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Middle Managers and High Potentials

For impressive public speaking, a confident demeanour and an air of seniority

»As a data security manager, I was often seen as a ‘killjoy’. That’s all changed now. People appreciate the importance of my work, and I’ve found my place.«

As a manager in a ‘sandwich position’, you will be only too familiar with problems like this. Demands come flooding in from every side – from the boardroom, from your colleagues and from members of your team. And on top of all that, you’ve got your friends and family to think about…

Juggling all these different demands is not easy. Good communication skills and an engaging style are your most valuable tools.

Clients come to me with issues like these:

  • »I want to move forward in my career. I’m good at what I do, but I don’t feel that people notice or appreciate me enough.«
  • »When I’m giving a presentation I’m very reliant on PowerPoint. I’d like to speak more freely and be able to answer questions authoritatively, with more confidence.«
  • »How do I find the right tone in politically sensitive situations?«
  • »I look young, and people just don’t see me as a leader. How can I give more of an impression of seniority?«
  • »What will my role as a manager entail once agile structures and methods are implemented? What responsibilities will I have left?«

My services, available in German and English

Training: Public Speaking and Professional Presence – Learn from Actors

You are great at what you do, and you have excellent ideas. In my seminar you will learn how to communicate your message to your audience even more effectively.

With my Professional Presence® method, you will experiment with targeted ways of altering your body language, inflection and voice to increase your impact, ensuring that you have everyone’s full attention from the moment you start speaking. Since 2003, hundreds of participants every year have learned the art of presence using this method. Featuring video support.

To enhance the persuasive power of your arguments, we will try out all the public speaking tips that are relevant to you. This will help you remain in the minds of your listeners – and maybe even in their hearts.

Business Coaching: Communication, Persuasiveness , Leadership

A successful career calls for communication and leadership skills, as well as personal development. Typical issues addressed in my business coaching sessions include:

  • I want my achievements and abilities to be recognised and valued. I want to move from the back seat into the driving seat, and position myself better within my organisation. I want people to see me as a credible leader.
  • In my ‘sandwich position’, a confident demeanour and a clear yet diplomatic communication style are vital. That’s why I want to improve my presence and my communication skills.
  • Organisations are being changed radically by digital technologies. In the not too distant future, they probably won’t have team leaders and department heads anymore in the way we are used to. What accomplishments and ideas can I contribute to make sure I still have a leadership role in an organisation with agile structures?
  • I want to be able to identify, understand and resolve conflicts and tensions at an early stage. And I want to get a better understanding of how other people ‘tick’.
  • I want to bring the image I have of myself into line with the image others have of me.
  • How can I expand my scope for action and my leadership repertoire? E.g. with detailed feedback for effectiveness, motivation, innovation, appreciation, culture of error management, etc.
  • How can I deal with expectations? How can I develop a constructive attitude to criticism, self-criticism, insecurity, perfectionism and impatience?
  • Which performance principles do I work with? How can I make better use of the principles of pressure, flow and creativity?
  • How can I project an air of confident authority? How can I boost my self-esteem, and do weaknesses have a purpose?

Training: Empathic Communication

In this seminar, you’ll learn how to use the Professionelle Präsenz® (professional presence) method for meetings, dialogues and establishing strong relationships. You’ll learn how to better assess people’s characters, to discuss their motivation with them and to lead them.

You’ll be shown how to identify the degree of escalation in conflict situations and how to react in an adequate, constructive manner. Throughout all of this, you’ll remain mentally calm – or at least calmer than you ordinarily would have been.

Certain occasions, such as media appearances or debates, call for a more combative approach to which end you will receive coaching aimed at honing your repartee and using it without causing your opponent or yourself to lose face. My recommendation in this respect is to cultivate amicable approaches or, better still, your sense of humour!

Training: Presenting in English as a Foreign Language

You are a non-native speaker. Your English is probably not as good as that of a native speaker. But you can still enhance your persuasive power in presentations and discussions conducted in English.

This is not primarily a language course, but a training course in which you will learn how to tackle things you are unsure about in the foreign language. You will learn the verbal and non-verbal arts of public speaking. This will enable you to perform in a confident and credible way even in the foreign language, ensuring your success on the international stage.

The most important themes:

  • Structuring speeches and arguments effectively
  • Using appropriate English phrases in presentations
  • Correcting grammar and pronunciation
  • Projecting confidence through self-assured body language and gestures
  • Structuring your thinking and speech in the foreign language
  • Building trust through eye contact
  • Cultivating a voice that is pleasant to listen to, and clear articulation
  • Intercultural understanding and respect
  • Stage fright, humour, openness

How can I help you move forward?

Just give me a call! I look forward to our first conversation – we’ll talk about your requirements, and I’ll put together a personalised package for you. You can contact me by phone on +49 030 93 62 86 60 or by email at wm@redepraxis.com.

Some clients:

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